Susan Rostkoski Susan Rostkoski

Think Globally, Act Locally

The tragic earthquake in Turkey and Syria has become yet another global tragedy in the headlines. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless to make some kind of difference—to feel that one has had some sort of impact in the midst of so many calamities. Here’s an approach to consider . . .  

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Susan Rostkoski Susan Rostkoski

Tips for Making Non-solicitation Donor Calls

There are many good reasons to call donors to simply provide a touch point rather than a solicitation: thank you for your gift/s, remember to RSVP to our gala, or offer a meeting with senior staff, especially in the midst of significant change. These calls are meant to build goodwill and nurture your relationships. Here are some tips for going about them in a meaningful way.

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Susan Rostkoski Susan Rostkoski

The Kindness of--You

In our busy lives, too often we criticize ourselves for not doing more. The “if only I had enough time, fewer commitments, more resources” latches onto our thinking and drags us down. It’s time to stop punishing yourself and start recognizing the impact you make on those who are recipients of your kindness.

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Susan Rostkoski Susan Rostkoski

Is It Time to Get Engaged?

Given the high-stress environment all around us, it’s no wonder your work team might seem disengaged from their own role, their environment, or their colleagues. We have two suggestions to stir up enthusiasm for whatever work you are doing—whatever your role is.

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Susan Rostkoski Susan Rostkoski

How Do We Make the Big Picture Work?

What if we treated the simplicity of a single thread of our life’s tapestry with equal importance to the overall picture? Maybe we would see not a roadblock or a stumbling block but a stepping stone to be explored, studied, and appreciated. How does that viewpoint aid us as we live our over-busy everyday lives?

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Susan Rostkoski Susan Rostkoski

Developing Healthy Work Habits: Lessons from My Cat

My cat, Nohea, is 18 years old and has been my faithful companion since he was 7 years old. It took me awhile to catch on to the fact that there are lessons to be learned in observing how my cat (a creature of habit) behaves.

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Susan Rostkoski Susan Rostkoski

Your Resource Development Team—A Worthy Investment

Composition of your Resource Development Committee takes careful consideration and mindful placement. But then what? Research shows that careful cultivation of the skills and talents each committee member brings to the table results in a better outcome all ‘round, rather than having a one-size-fits-all position description.

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